
 Qin Zhen Environmental Protection  13709811835

 Sand aerated block

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Difference between sand aerated concrete block and ash aerated concrete block (II)

Date of issue: 2019-11-15 Author: Click:

⑤ Sand Aerated concrete block Dry shrinkage ratio relative to Ash aerated concrete block Smaller, the wall built is not easy to crack, while the wall built with ash aerated concrete blocks is relatively easy to crack, which makes the bricklayer worried.

⑥ The pouring method and formula of sand aeration are different from those of ash aeration. Generally speaking, sand aeration is thinner than ash aeration in pouring; The formula of sand aeration is generally more cement than that of ash aeration.

⑦ In terms of frost resistance, sand aeration is better than ash aeration. Therefore, it is often used when building external walls Sand aerated block

 Sand aerated concrete block

⑧ The toughness of sand aerated block is slightly better than that of ash aerated block, and the brittleness of ash aerated block is greater. Therefore, compared with sand aerated block, ash aerated block is more prone to collapse.

⑨ In terms of environmental protection and energy consumption, ash gasification is quite different from sand gasification. Sand needs to be mined, which will damage the environment of the mining area. It will consume energy during mining and consume a lot of energy during production (it needs to be polished). Therefore, the cost of producing sand aerated bricks is higher than that of producing ash aerated bricks; The fly ash is the waste discharged from the power plant, and the production of fly ash aerated concrete blocks is waste utilization. The cost must be lower, and it is in line with the national environmental protection policy.

In a word, in terms of overall performance, sand gas injection has certain advantages over ash gas injection, but ash gas injection is more economical, energy-saving and environmentally friendly than sand gas injection.

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