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 Sand aerated block

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Key points of construction of autoclaved aerating block

Date of issue: 2019-09-20 Author: Click:

Autoclaved sand Aerator block Cement and lime are used as calcareous materials, quartz is used as siliceous materials, aluminum powder is added as air entraining agent, pre cured and cut, and then cured by high-temperature steam. High precision, light weight and high strength, durable and impermeable, excellent fireproof performance, nailable, sawable, planable, with certain seismic capacity, and convenient construction. It is an upgraded product of traditional autoclaved aerator.

Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks , referred to as aerated brick, is produced by high-temperature autoclave process Aerated concrete block "Aerated brick" can be understood as a simplified or common name. It should cover a wider range of products, that is, bricks produced by other processes including autoclave.

What are the construction points of autoclaved aerator? Sand aerated block The manufacturer takes you to learn more!

1. In the process of transportation, loading and unloading, it is strictly prohibited to throw and dump the autoclaved aerator blocks. After entering the factory, they should be stacked in order. The autoclaved aerator blocks should also be rechecked for performance and put into use after passing the inspection.

2. The structure shall be tested. After the acceptance, the axis of the wall and the position line of the door and window openings shall be measured and set out in advance according to the control axis in the foundation or floor, and the position elevation line of the top of the door and window sill shall be marked on the wall or column.

 Manufacturer of sand aerated block

3. Clean and flush the dust on the wall, and water to make the base wet.

4. When arranging the blocks, the number of bricks and rows must be calculated according to the design size, block modulus, thickness of horizontal mortar joints and width of vertical mortar joints. The number of bricks and the thickness of mortar joints must be arranged on the mortar poles or column walls, and the elevations of window sills, openings, ring beams, etc. must be marked to ensure the size of masonry.

5. When arranging blocks, try to use standard blocks, and use less or no special-shaped blocks. When autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are laid, the product age shall exceed 28 days.

6. When autoclaved aerated blocks are used to build the wall, sintered ordinary bricks, perforated bricks or cast-in-place concrete sill should be built at the bottom of the wall, and its height should not be less than 200.

The content of this article comes from the Internet. If you have any questions, please contact us!

Website: //gznt120.cn/news/446.html

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Liaoning Hongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly Liaoning Qinzhen Environmental Protection Building Materials Co., Ltd.)

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Website: gznt120.cn

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