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 Sand aerated block

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Difference between lime aerated block and sand aerated block

Date of issue: 2019-12-05 Author: Click:

ash Aerator block Brick and Sand aerated block The differences are: different materials, different colors and different costs.

1、 Different materials

1. Ash aerated block brick: it is mainly composed of fly ash, lime, cement, appropriate regulator and gas generation data.

2. Sand aerated block brick: silica material (sand or quartz tailing slag) and calcareous material (lime, cement) are the primary materials, and air entraining agent (aluminum powder) is added.

2、 Different appearance colors

1. Grey aerated brick: the color of grey aerated brick is mostly navy blue, or the grey is slightly blue black.

2. Sand aerated block brick: the color of sand aerated block brick is mostly gray white, or white is slightly yellow.

 Sand aerated block

3、 Different costs

1. Ash aerated brick: fly ash is the waste discharged from the power plant, producing pulverized coal Ash aerated concrete block It is waste utilization, and the cost must be lower.

2. Sand aerated block brick: sand needs to be mined, which will damage the environment of the mining area, and will consume energy during mining and production

A lot of power is lost (need to be refined), so the cost of producing sand aerated bricks is higher than that of producing ash aerated bricks.

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