
 Qin Zhen Environmental Protection  13709811835

 Sand aerated block

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Light partition board gradually replaces red brick wall

Date of issue: 2019-06-25 Author: Click:

Since the reform and opening up, the domestic economy and people's life philosophy have undergone tremendous changes. The income level of the Chinese people has been greatly improved, and their living conditions are also constantly improving. Now people live in western-style houses, in various elegant neighborhoods, and gradually begin to have the concept of environmental protection, economy, and fast life. In particular, there is a new understanding of the new energy-saving lightweight partition board and modern solid brick wall in household housing. What are the differences?

(1) Composition

The light partition board is composed of harmless phosphogypsum, light steel slag, fly ash and other industrial waste residues, and cured by variable frequency steam pressure.

(2) Light partition board KO solid brick wall

1. Light weight, only one eighth of the weight of solid brick wall

2. High strength, up to C30

3. Thermal insulation, heat conductivity is only one third of solid brick wall

4. Sound insulation effect, acoustic conductivity is only one quarter of that of solid brick wall

5. Breathing humidity control, automatic adjustment of indoor air humidity

6. Multiple environmental protection, save the land occupied by industrial waste, and eliminate the pollution of industrial waste to air and water sources

7. Low cost, saving 15-20% of wall cost, and improving construction efficiency by three to five times

The light partition board has the above advantages. Compared with the solid brick wall, it is closer to people's life philosophy, caters to the future development of green, environmental protection and conservation oriented society, and indicates that the healthy development of light partition board is imperative.

 Autoclaved aerated concrete block manufacturer

Autoclaved aerated concrete product itself is a new type of lightweight and porous building material, which has good sound insulation and heat insulation properties, as well as a new type of wall material without radiation and durability. Qin Zhen's environmental protection products are superior to the national standards in terms of various indicators, and can constantly meet the customized needs of customers, and develop enterprise standards for high-precision blocks. It was named by the government as a demonstration base for the reform of new wall materials, and became one of the seven major production bases of autoclaved aerated concrete products in China.

Website: //gznt120.cn/news/424.html

key word: Shenyang gas filling block manufacturer , Manufacturer of sand aerated block , Autoclaved aerated concrete block manufacturer

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contact information

Liaoning Hongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly Liaoning Qinzhen Environmental Protection Building Materials Co., Ltd.)

Company hotline: 13709811835

Website: gznt120.cn

Address: Gate 2, Building 7, Celebrity Mansion, No. 2-1, Jinyang Street, Hunnan District, Shenyang