
 Qin Zhen Environmental Protection  13709811835

 Sand aerated block

News Center news

What is a filling block?

Date of issue: 2022-04-20 Author: Click:

What is Aerator block

Aerated block, also known as aerated brick, is also called aerated block, and its scientific name is Aerated concrete block Aerated concrete blocks can be divided into Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks And non autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. Generally speaking, the aerated block or aerated brick refers to autoclaved aerated concrete block unless otherwise specified.

 Aerator block

The production of aerated concrete blocks is generally light porous silicate products made from siliceous materials (sand, fly ash and silicon containing tailings, etc.) and calcareous materials (lime, cement) as the main raw materials, mixed with air entraining agent (aluminum powder), and through the process of batching, mixing, pouring, pre curing, cutting, autoclave curing, etc. Common sand aerated concrete blocks and pulverized coal Ash aerated concrete block

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key word: Aerator block , Inflating block price , Gas filling block enterprise

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Liaoning Hongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly Liaoning Qinzhen Environmental Protection Building Materials Co., Ltd.)

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