
 Qin Zhen Environmental Protection  13709811835

 Sand aerated block

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Methods for prolonging the service life of sand aerated block buildings

Date of issue: 2019-06-25 Author: Click:

Autoclaved aerated concrete product itself is a new type of lightweight and porous building material, which has good sound insulation and heat insulation properties, as well as a new type of wall material without radiation and durability. Qin Zhen's environmental protection products are superior to the national standards in terms of various indicators, and can constantly meet the customized needs of customers, and develop enterprise standards for high-precision blocks. It was named by the government as a demonstration base for the reform of new wall materials, and became one of the seven major production bases of autoclaved aerated concrete products in China.

Now many people do not care when building aerated blocks, but they do not know that they are invincible. Those who do not pay attention to masonry will not only affect their use effect, but also shorten their service life. Today, let's introduce the correct use methods:

1. It cannot be used as a load-bearing wall.

2. Due to low strength during masonry, pay attention to Aerator block Otherwise, corner falling will affect masonry.

3. Bathrooms and other rooms with water cannot be built because they absorb water and will become damp later.

4. The door and window frames shall be placed with care. When installing the doors and windows, they cannot be directly fixed on the aerator blocks. There is still no reason for strength.

5. Remember to wet the block during masonry to prevent the mortar from losing strength due to excessive water absorption.

6. When pouring the structural column, pay attention to the structural column formwork and try not to damage the block, otherwise the subsequent treatment will be troublesome.

7. The upper part of the partition wall, that is, the top of the wall, shall not be made of blocks, but shall be built with concrete solid bricks at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees to prevent cracks in the wall sinking in the future.

8. When plastering, pay attention to the spraying of aerated block base course, hanging of mesh, etc.

 Manufacturer of sand aerated block

Website: //gznt120.cn/news/415.html

key word: Shenyang gas filling block manufacturer , Manufacturer of sand aerated block , Autoclaved aerated concrete block manufacturer

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Liaoning Hongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly Liaoning Qinzhen Environmental Protection Building Materials Co., Ltd.)

Company hotline: 13709811835

Website: gznt120.cn

Address: Gate 2, Building 7, Celebrity Mansion, No. 2-1, Jinyang Street, Hunnan District, Shenyang